Research Projects


Lifelong Learning Programme – Sub Programme Grundtvig

“Improving Senior and Intergenerational Learning Methods and Curricula as Workforce in Community Projects for Disabled”

Tipologia finanziamento Istituzionale

Ambito disciplinare Psicologia Applicata

Ente Finanziatore Altro

Data avvio: 6 August 2012

Data termine: 31 July 2014


Importo: € 106.000,00

Partner: COORDINATORE : APCC – Associação de Paralisia Cerebral de Coimbra (Association for Cerebral Paralysis), Coimbra, Portugal PARTECIPANTI: PARTNER: Università degli Studi di Padova - Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psycology FISPPA), Italy; University Complutense of Madrid – Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Madrid, Spain; University of Coimbra – Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Coimbra, Portugal; CBO – Centraal Begeleidings Orgaan – The Netherlands; Stepping Stones, Belfast, Northern Ireland


The general goal of “TOGETHER ” is to promote intergenerational dialogue and learning development in order to achieve empowered citizens that can be proactive for sustained communities.  “Together” project studies and shares 'good practices' in terms of Learning methods, curricula and support materials to bring people from different generations as workforce for community environments projects of disabled people. 

Obiettivi: The Project focus is on: 1. conducting a research about intergenerational learning perceptions and their contribute for sustained projects in community (Research); 2. listening and involving the relevant stakeholders about their capacity and possibilities of entities to include the intergenerational workforce in their strategies with the added value of volunteering to engage in and develop on intergenerational methods and curricula close to universities (Training). Based on the outcomes of both research activities the universities closely with entities of community will design 3. a new learning method/teaching model, using learning techniques, approaches and practical tools (manual) which support addressing to different target groups in order to improve their knowledge and help them to enhance intergenerational learning and knowledge transfer. An important factor is the integration of ICT-components, such as online training sessions (platform of the University of Coimbra). Different people from Universities (students and teachers);Entities as ONG working with elderly people, elderly and other stakeholders will pilot the model format through practical workshops. Promoting different age–friendly environments to better integrate people is crucial to develop mechanisms, strategies and policies that will forge the seed for ageing and young be a positive experience for most. This project will provide a unique opportunity of different partners members in the specialized field and civil society can work together on intergenerational sustainable responses. Two structural aims of the Project are the cross-functional, interdisciplinary and systemic collaborative approaches (particularly in the research, best practices, involvement of groups ) and the cooperation of critical stakeholders, is a radical new way of operating.

Piano delle attività: The methodology of the project is based in two complementary parts, RESEARCH and TRAINING, as a way approach for the mutual learning, discussion, comparative analysis and critical thinking. The Research includes: - The definition, selection and engagement of target-groups in the project; - Focus Group, interviews and analysis of results based on scales to test and present to the Grundvitg a final version of transnational results. The Training includes: - Design of contents based on the results of the research to test with various target groups selected and a training manual. During the project the activities that will be developed with targets and critical stakeholders are: - Experimental Workshops, - Intergenerational Education working groups - Compilation of Best Practices. Providing new methods and insights to experiment and implement new pedagogical and educational models and tools support new approaches of lifelong learning methods and it can be a powerful policy instrument and it can contribute to the achievement of the European Strategy – 2020.
