Personale docente

Luca Corti

Professore associato



Telefono: 0498274703


  • Il Mercoledi' dalle 15:30 alle 16:30
    Ricevimento in presenza: durante il periodo didattico (27 febbraio - 20 maggio 2024), il docente riceverà in presenza il mercoledì, dalle 15,30 alle 16,30 nel suo studio (Palazzo del Capitanio). Si invitano gli studenti a prenotarsi via e-mail, scrivendo all'indirizzo istituzionale ( Fuori dal periodo didattico, il ricevimento in presenza va concordato con il docente via e-mail. Ricevimento online: Sia durante il periodo di attività didattica, sia nel periodo in cui non ci sono lezioni, è possibile effettuare un ricevimento telematico. Anche in questo caso, si invita a prendere previamente appuntamento via e-mail. *** In person office hours: during the teaching term (Feb. 27, 2024 -May 15, 2024), office hours will be hold in-person on Wednesdays (3,30pm-4,30pm). Students are requested to e-mail Prof. Corti to schedule the meeting. Outside the teaching period, in person office hours have to be agreed via e-mail. Online office hours: online office hours are possible throughout the semesters. Students are requested to make an appointment in advance by email (

Associate Professor

2020-23: Assistant Professor (3yrs–tenure track), University of Padua, IT
2019-23: Marie-Curie Global Fellow, (3yrs), University of Padua, IT/ University of Chicago, US/University of Paris-I Sorbonne, FR.
2016-18: FCT Post-Doc Research Fellowship, Mind, Language, Action Group (MLAG), University of Porto (PT), International Center for Philosophy, University of Bonn (DE)
2017-19: Marie-Curie Move-in Post-doc Fellowship, UCLouvain, BE (Declined)
2017-19: Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship, University College Dublin, IR (Declined)
2017-18: Swiss Excellence Post-Doctoral Fellowship, University of Zurich, CH (Declined)
2016: DAAD Post-Doctoral Fellow, Institut für Philosophie, IZPH, University of Bonn, DE.
2015: Post-Doc Fellow, “Young promising researcher”, Hegel-Archive/Research Center on Classical German Philosophy, Bochum, DE.

2025-27: Horizon Europe Marie-Curie Project TONES (ER: Yady Oren)
2024-26: Unipd Starting Grant “Towards and Autonomist Theory of Biological Normativity”
2023: PRIN Project (Project of National Interest), “Understanding Natural History: Nature, Evolution and Human Beings”. Padua\Polito\IUAV.
2022-25: DFG-Project “Classical German Anthropologies”, (co-PI J. Peters, J. G. Schülein) (
2020-23: Marie-Curie Project NINA, ‘Norms in Nature’ Padua\Chicago\ ParisI-Sorbonne
2017-20: DAAD project ‘Rethinking Nature. Naturalism, Human Subjectivity, and Cognition’ ( (co-PI: J.-G. Schülein)

2024: Thyssen Stiftung Grant, conference “Recovering Nature” (Potsdam)
2022: Arqus-Alliance Grant:' Norms and Evolution' (with Andrea Kern)
2021: DFG Grant. Ws: Human Nature. Classical German Anthropologies, Villa Vigoni, Italia-German Center for European Studies
2020: DFG Grant. Ws: “Rediscovering Hegel’s Anthropology: Human Nature, Empirical Science, and the Claims of Reason”, Villa Vigoni (Co-PI: Julia Peters).

2024: Vistiing Fellow, Universidad Nacional de San Martin (UNSAM), Buenos Aires.
2022: Visiting Fellow, Institut d'Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques (IHPST) & Center “Norme, Societé, Philosophie”, Université Paris I-Sorbonne.
2021: DAAD Visiting Fellow, Humboldt-Universität Berlin.
2016: Visiting Scholar, University of Bochum
2013-14: Visiting Researcher, Department of Philosophy, University of Chicago.
2009: Fellow, Italian Cultural Institute, Hamburg, DE.

Synthèse, European Journal of Philosophy, Topoi, Philosophy and Social Criticism, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, Hegel Bulletin, Constellations, Inquiry, Idealistic Studies, Giornale di Metafisica, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Journal of Metaphysics, Argumenta, Estudos Hegelianos

Publications and other details (see the attached CV and academia website:

Download Curriculum_Corti.pdf


2023. Life, Organism and Cognition, Springer, New York.
2022. Nature and Naturalism in Classical German Philosophy, Routledge, New York. 2018. Sellars and the History of Modern Philosophy, Routledge, New York.

2021. History And Philosophy of The Life Sciences. 2021 Topical Collection: ‘Normativity and the Life Sciences: Analytical and Continental Perspectives’ co-ed with Vagelli, M., Moya-Diez.
2020. Hegel Bulletin, Special Issue: Hegel and Aristotle on the Metaphysics of Mind, Cambridge University Press (co-ed.with S. Stein and H. Plevrakis)
2019. Giornale di Metafisica, Special Issue: Metafilosofia. Pensare la filosofia tra attività e disciplina 2018 (co-edited with L. Illetterati and G. Miolli)

2023: ‘Organisational teleology and normativity: a critique’, Synthèse.
2023 ‘The Logical Form of a Living Organism: Hegel, Naturalism and Biological Autonomy’. In Corti, L. & Schülein, J.G. (eds.) Nature and Naturalism in Classical German Philosophy, NY: Routledge, pp. 227-245, 2023.
2022. ‘Demytsyfing the Myth of Sensation’, Synthèse.
2022. ‘The ‘is’ and ‘ought’ of animal organism’, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences. 2022 ‘Neo-Hegelian Metaphilosophy from Pittsburgh’, in Hegel’s Metaphilosophy, ed. by Giovanna Miolli and Luca Illetterati, Bloomsbury.
2022. ‘The logical form of a living organism’, in Nature and Naturalism in Classical German Philosophy, ed. Schülein,JG.-Corti,L, Routledge, NY 2022.
2021. ‘The Notion of Sensation in Sellars’ Theory of Perception’, European Journal of Philosophy.
2019) ‘Between Causes and Reasons’, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 27/3: 422-447.
2018 ‘Senses and Sensations: on Hegel’s Later Picture of Perceptual Experience’, in Hegel and McDowell: Perceptual Experience, Thought and Action, A.J. Abath – F. Sanguinetti (eds.), Springer, 2018: 97-116

Classical German Philosophy (Hegel, Kant)
Naturalism and Naturalisation
Philosophy of Nature and Biology
Evolutions of Norms
Theories of Normativity
History of Analytic Philosophy.

Philosophy of mind and perception